Girls Teams Programs For Competition

Infinity Gymnastics Club is a proud member of the United States Gymnastics Association. We follow the Women's Junior Olympic Program developed by USA Gymnastics. This program was created with the belief that all girl athletes must have the basic skills required in order to advance safely to higher levels. Our girls teams gymnastics program will allow the gymnast to advance at her own pace, competing at more than one level in a year, if she chooses.

We offer class Levels 1-8 which are divided into specific segments:

Levels 1-3

Levels 1-3 are offered at a non-competitive level for the purpose of having them as an introductory and recreational course.

Level 4

Level 4 is considered part of the introductory and recreational program, or if the gym chooses it can be part of a competitive level. Infinity Gymnastics Club has chosen to include Level 4 as part of the competitive team and once a gymnast reaches Level 3, the coach will hold an evaluation and decide if the girl gymnast is ready to move up to Level 4. Six years of age is the minimum age requirement.

Levels 5 & 6

Levels 5 & 6 are the second segment to the Women's Junior Olympic program. A gymnast who wishes to enter any of the Levels from here and on will be evaluated directly by the current USAG mobility scores. Girls seven years of age is the minimum age requirement for both levels.

Levels 7 & 8

Levels 7 & 8 are considered to be the Optionals Program which has its difficulty restrictions. The minimum age requirement 7 years of age (@ Level 7) and 8yrs of age (@Level 8).

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