Boys Gymnastics Classes

Boys Gymnastics

Boys gymnastics is a difficult sport that combines strength and agility. It requires a male gymnast to dedicate himself to regular gymnastics classes in order to reach higher levels of performance. The impact of these results helps to develop the bodies and minds of young boys and also to stay committed while growing up.

Although our trainers will require each gymnast to attend class lessons on a regular basis, our main goal is to provide a productive environment for gymnastics training while having fun. All young boys and teens are welcomed to come train at IGC, whether to compete on higher levels, or to have fun on the mat and stay fit.


Boys are taught skills on rings, parallel bars, pommel horse, rings, high bar, floor and vault. Introduction of the fundemental skills progresses into mastery of advanced training and is available to boys who qualify. Skill levels are evaluated consistently to ensure proper class placement each time there is an opportunity for advancement.

IGC provides the opportunity to compete in a number of boys gymnastics shows and events that include:

  • Floor Exercise
  • Hight Bar
  • Horizontal Bar
  • Parallel Bars
  • Pommel Horse
  • Rings
  • Vault

Levels of Boys Gymnastics Boys Gymnastics

All levels of boys gymnastics offered at IGC are intended to help boys progress in a positive direction. New skills are taught at every level, so we want every young boy to have the opportunity to learn all the nesessary skills before he advances to the next level. Because gymnastics is difficult to perform, dedication and discipline are required at all levels in order to achieve positive results. Overall, helping him to understand that positive results come from hard work and discipline.

The main scope of our boys gymnastics program is emphasizing strong fundamentals of gymnastics movements. Since not every boy is the same, some will take the sport of gymnastics to higher levels, while others will simply pass the time having fun and making friends. Basically, we want to prepare all young boys for the training that will be needed in order to perform on the level that suits the young gymnast, whether it's in front of their friends and family, or on competitive levels in front of large audiences.


Our trainers are chosen very carefully, and we do this to create an environment of safety. Young members are only allowed to advance through a set ordered program levels based on decisions made by qualified personnel. There are no shortcuts in the duration of time it takes to complete the program levels and the evaluation process is slow and deliberate. The decisions that are made after evaluating the young gymnast are based on the visible improvement of progressions involving attitude, desire, strength and flexibility. Guiding the young gymnast for steady improvement along a timeline of conditioning events is what we believe to be vital for long-term success.

Gymnastics is for boys and girls..

The sport of gymnastics is more popular among girls, but it's also for boys too. Boys are often drawn to gymnastics because it's a sport that produces some of the strongest athletes in the world. It's a good cross training sport, so if a child or older teen is already involved in their primary sport, learning gymnastics will serve as a cross-training exercise.

Even if a young boy has little or no desire to pursue gymnastics as a sport, there are still many benefits for boys to participate in some form of gymnastics. The type of environment needed to train is usually in the form of a gymnasium, and that means that there are all types of training equipment and supplies available to a young athlete that will help them increase their strength, speed, flexibility and balance. This holds true for both male and female.

For some boys, it may be a matter of building some confidence in order to overcome fear. Children who learn to do a basic cartwheel might overcome fear at a younger age and thus grow-up feeling more self-confident. Another benefit might include actively encouraging a young boy to be mindful of healthy eating and sleeping habits.

Fun & Activities

If your child is at least 3 years old, he can start with our tumble bears program. This program is guaranteed to provide your child with lot's of fun and excitement. There's nothing too serious or difficult about this program, as it's only for fun and making friends. And there's always something new going on, such as special events, food, new program additions and parties. Gymnastics Events a& Parties»

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