The statements on this page are written in a simple language format in order to make the experience of using this website easy, simple and fun. Our Terms and Conditions page is only intented to provide you with an easy-to-understand description of how we intend to provide you with honest web services.

While using this website, you will not experience any cookies or spyware interacting with your computer's hard drive or Browser. The IGC website is very safe to use. By using this website, you are agreeing not to use graphics, copy text or assume to be a representative of IGC. If you do not agree, please exit this website now.

Service Guarantee

We want to guarantee your satisfaction and make a promise to you that defines the following:

  • Quick response time to your phone calls and messages
  • Quality, courteous and polite customer service
  • Our dedication to your child's development


Before watching our videos, please ask for supervision from an adult first. We disclaim all liability for any physical harm resulting from watching our videos.


This website uses only simple scripting technologies that are hard-coded into the website itself. Aside from HTML and CSS, there are other scripting languages such as Javascript, that enhance our website's ability to supply you (the viewer) a dynamic experience. These technologies are installed on the client-side to enable simple functions to work such as the slideshow, clickable thumbs and contact page. This website is not database driven.


We respect your privacy. We use no spyware to gather information about you. We do not gather personal information about clients in order to sell to other entities. We do, however, keep basic contact information about regular clients who request yearly maintenance and periodic work.

(915) 594-7223

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